Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday - not the worst Monday of my life. We (my band - CATCH) had a gig last Wednesday night at L'il Joe's Tavern across the street from Centenary College. Our set went from 9 to 10 and then this gal(Ill Ease) who was a solo performer from NY played 3 songs for about 30 minutes which were basically her playing a riff on guitar and letting a loop station play it while she played a drum rhythm and then back to the guitar to play on top of that. Not really my kind of stuff. I don't mind loop based things as long as they go somewhere but this definately did not. The last band was "The Gaslights" from Kansas City. They've got a Loretta Lynn meets the Ramones kind of thing goin' on. Very different from everything else I've heard in the Shreveport area which seems to be the barely discernable vocals screamed with the mic half way down their throat. I certainly hope this is the direction things are going. One of the things that came out of that gig is that we've got to finish recording "Smells Like". For the most part, it's the lyrics from "Smells Like Teen Spirit" with a country kind of chord progression that moves into a jazzy kind of feel before it rocks out in the chorus. I've always believed in this song and we got a really good response. I think we'll be playing there again on the 20th of October. On the recording info front, I just posted an article at New Free Articles Dot Com entitled "Recording in the 21st century #1 - Home Music Recording Studio Necessities". I'll keep you posted on when the next one comes out. Please make sure you check out "Your Home Studio Dot Com" and let me know what you think. You can also sign up for the free newsletter while you're there.


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