Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Correction : Catch will be at L'il Joe's on November 11th opening for "The Gunshy". Kind of a Tom Waits/Bob Dylan kind of sound judging from the the songs on the website. We are in the middle of trying to find a new name for the band so any suggestions will be helpful. The leading candidate so far is "The Tuesday Evening Standard". I had thought of "Odette Calling" but some one reminded me that "Odette" is the name of the Swan Princess so I guess that's out. We are going to try and finish recording "Smells Like" and another original so we can try to sell some EP's at the show in November. I will post the links to the songs as we record them so you can see the progression. We already have a scratch vocal, a guitar track and some drums that I played(not very well). I think we will let Brandon, our drummer, record the drums on his kit and then I will record my bass line before we do the final vocal. I will put the link to the scratch vocal and guitar track up tomorrow after I upload the tracks to my website - "Your Home Studio Dot Com". This should be a good illustration on how a recording is constructed as the song is really just vocal, drums, bass and guitar.


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