Merry Christmas, Hanukah, whatever

Merry Christmas, Hanukah, whatever - We only recorded Tuesday this week as we got together last night to exchange gifts. Joel and I got Brandon an Itunes gift certificate that said "Brandon, you're the cutest drummer we've ever had". We kid him a lot. My wife and I got Joel a couple of CD's - Wilco's A.M. and "The Essential Johnny Cash". Joel got me some wireless controllers for my PS2 (all I play on that is Madden with Joel) and Brandon got Joel and I gift certificates to Hollywood Video. Joel got Lorraine a James Taylor DVD that was the same tour we saw him on a couple of years ago. Not too shabby.
Anyway, Tuesday when we recorded, we recorded the rhythm guitar part on "I'm Doin Fine".
Joel is going to work on another guitar part for it that will be something like the guitarist from CAKE would play. We also recorded the rhythm guitar part for "Too Late". We will also have to go back to rerecord some of the drum fills as Brandon got carried away on a couple. Other than that it was pretty damn good. That one was recorded strictly off the cuff with no rehearsal at all. We played through it once and then recorded it 3 times with the last one being the best. The bass part will be rerecorded because what you hear is what's coming through on Joel's vocal mic and if you listen, you'll hear me hunt for the last note.
I'm going to be working on the website newsletter over the Christmas Holiday so I can have it ready for January 1st. I still haven't had any questions for this issue so I'm probably going to answer the second part of W.Gay's question as to whether or not a mixer is necessary in this day and time. I'm still working on the drum parts on "Smells Like" and I hope to have that finished by New Years Eve. It's going so much faster since I got that new monitor.