I'm Doin' Fine

I'm going to try to post just once a week for a while with everything that's going on with the holidays. Tuesday we got together and listened to the tracks we recorded with Joel's J-150 for "Smells Like". The technique is to tune the guitar to the key of the song and then put it right in front of a speaker. Then you play the song and record what the pickup in the guitar hears. What you get is some really ambient sounds that are kind of like a keyboard pad. We had recorded 4 tracks and two of them just didn't work so here's what the other two sound like together - Click Here .They are going to move a bit more in the stereo field to add some emphasis and I'll run them through a reverb. I'm also replacing the kick and snare hits because Brandon's snare just doesn't crack like I need it to and I just not happy with the kick sound on this song. This is what is sounds like so far - Click Here
Thursday we set Brandon's kit up again and recorded an New Song - "I'm Doin' Fine". It's a bit more upbeat and you'll get to hear me on the background vocals. The drums sound a lot better on this one. I used an SM-57 on the snare instead of one of Brandon's drum mikes and the kick sounds lots better. The guitar part may stay but we've got to record Joel's vocal, the other guitar parts, background vocals and maybe we can get someone to play a keyboard part - probably a B-3 sound.
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