Thursday, October 20, 2005


     I know it’s been a couple of days since my last post but I’ve been pretty busy over the last few days. I had a sound reinforcement gig Tuesday night for a local hospital. It was boring as hell but it pays pretty good - $350 for about 3 hours work. If I could get 3 or 4 jobs like that a week, I’d quit my day job, although that wouldn’t leave me much time to do any recording or rehearsing with the band. I started working on an article about compression for the first newsletter for the website and I’m having a hard time finding out the history of  audio compression. I’m not sure if it was something ported over from the radio side or if it was designed for recording use and crossed over into radio. If anyone has any information concerning that, I would love to know because I don’t want to put some bullshit in the article and then have someone call me down on it later. We are rehearsing again tonight and I haven’t had a chance to practice my vocal parts but I think I can wing it. Brandon hopefully will have listened to his CD’s and worked out his parts. We’re probably going to discuss the recording schedule for the two songs we plan to have produced by the next gig. It’s going to be pretty much balls to the wall as far as I can tell. I’m planning on posting the tracks as we cut them so you can see the process. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot – check out these two websites Live Plasma and Pandora. They’re both kind of variations on a theme. I can’t really say more than that – just check them out.


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