The rehearsal last night was amazing. We were all on headphones with Brandon in the isolation booth on drums and Joel playing his guitar through my GT-3 straight to the board. Being able to hear yourself makes a huge difference. We went through the whole set list and then recorded “Smell Like” as the last song. The drum track with the scratch guitar and vocals are located
here. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. I think the snare needs to crack a bit more during the chorus. Some compression and EQ may help a bit and I may end up replacing the snare via midi. I wanted to record the bass track as well but I screwed up and didn’t sync the Yamaha and the computer together properly. Not a big deal – I can record that part in about 10 minutes.
In other news, the newsletter came out and seems to be pretty well received. You can view it
here. I learned a bit of internet protocol concerning email addresses. If you’re sending out something to a number of people, you should but the addresses in the BCC field and send the email to yourself so that no-one can see each others addresses. I kind of pissed one guy off and another guy was kind enough to tell me how to do it. We’ll be getting together Saturday afternoon to rehearse and do some more recording. We’ll probably record the acoustic guitar part and I should have the bass part done by then. I’ll post the results of that session as soon as I can
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