The vocals are done!

The vocals are done on “Smells Like”. All I have to do is record my bass part and I’m going to do that tonight. Last night, we just had to record the last chorus where Joel really sings out. We tried it with the pad on the mike but it didn’t sound right so we took the pad off and Joel had to step back when he really hit it hard. It came out pretty good. We comped together two different vocal performances: one with the verses sung and one with the verses more conversational. You can listen to them here – Sung verses and Conversational verses. I’d be interested to hear what you think. Getting the snare to crack has been a bit frustrating but I think I have it figured out. I took the snare out of the kit and put it on it’s own output with a delay rather than reverb and it is starting to stand out now. I just have to work on the eq to get the ring out.
I’ve been doing some posting on some the Internet message boards relating to music and recording and I discovered something interesting – the guys in the Usenet groups are unmerciful when it comes to critiquing things. It was very helpful because I was able to accept their criticism and apply some changes to my site. I am also very careful when I throw something out to make sure that I don’t embarrass myself. “Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”. Anyway, I’ll post when I do the bass track