It's Always a Killer

I would have liked to post before now but the end of the month is always a killer for me at work. Things are progressing nicely as far as the rehearsals for our show on the 11th. A good part of the day was spent setting up to record a couple of songs to include on an EP to sell. We have two weeks until the show and we haven’t recorded anything yet. I’m going to set it up so that we can record the drums (6 tracks), a scratch vocal, a scratch guitar and a bass part. That will be 9 tracks, which means I have to press my Yamaha AW2816 into service. I’ve got them sync’d together via MTC and STMP so that when I press record in Sonar, the AW2816 starts up and records in step with Sonar. I’ve done this before but I had to go through a dry run last night just to check things out because I haven’t use the Yamaha in a while. For you techies out there, the setup is as follows:
Motherboard – Intel 865 PERL
Processor – Intel 2.4HT
Memory – 512 MB
Hard Drive 1 – 20MB
Hard Drive 2 – 40MB
Recording Software – Sonar 4 Studio Edition
Audio Interface - Roland Studio Package (includes Roland VM-3100 Pro and Roland RPC-1 PCI card)
Outboard Mixer – Mackie 1604 VLZ – connected to Roland VM-3100 Pro with an 8-channel TRS to TRS recording snake via direct outs
DAW – Yamaha AW2816 – connected via midi to VM-3100 Pro
Other gear – Boss GT-3, Line 6 Bass Pod, several Shure SM-58’s, several Shure SM-57’s, 3 Roland DR-20 mic’s, Edirol UA-100, Roland A-30 Midi
Controller, Boss Dr. Synth DR – 330(a relic), Fender P-bass, Fender
Mexi-Strat (a great guitar), Fender Pink Paisley Telecaster (an even
better guitar), and a Roland V-Club set.
Miscellaneous – Vibra Slap 2 (awesome !), tambourines, cabasa, etc.
The Yamaha worked fine as I expected it would even though the CD burner went on the fritz a while back and I had to buy a SCSI drive to replace it. I will post the tracks as we record them. We’ll be recording our drummer’s kit through hit CAD drum mic’s. We’ve recorded his kit before – check it our at our website – .
In other news, the first edition of the Your Home Studio Dot Com newsletter will be coming in out in the coming days. Email me @ if you would like to subscribe.